Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ninety Degree Pushups For Combat Sports Conditioning | LIVESTRONG.COM

Ninety Degree Pushups For Combat Sports Conditioning.

Why you are "NOT WINNING"!

Hey Guys! 

Did you know that setting goals and recognizing achievements is vital to weight loss success? It is important to set long term goals while using short-term goals to get you there faster. Think about it...If I know where I want to go, I can figure out what I need to do on a monthly/ weekly/ daily basis in order to get me there. 
So TODAY, if you haven’t already...Write out all Health and Fitness goals that you would like to achieve and follow these guidelines:

  1. Make sure they are realistic and achievable! So dropping 100lbs in Three months is not going to happen especially if you don’t want to exercise but twice a week
  2. Make them specific {I will lose 10lbs in 6 six weeks}
  3. Make them measurable. Saying you want to “look better” can not really be measured. But if you say I want to drop 4 dress sizes is a measurable goal.
  4. Make sure they are time specific. There is nothing worst than having a goal with no date of achievement. Does that mean it will be a goal FOREVER? Stop doing that to yourself, if you need to drop 50lbs make it happen in 6 months. Do not leave room for lingering goals. 
  5. Write them out as if you have already achieved them. {Remember you are starting at the place where you have already accomplished this goal, because you are going to backtrack and lay out small goals that are necessary to get you there.}
  6. Make a public declaration of what you WILL ACHIEVE for accountability 
If you need help, no worries email ME at  so we can set up a 5 minute goal setting call. 
Ready>>>>>Set>>>>>> GO FOR IT!>>>>>>>>