Thursday, February 24, 2011

The way of the six packs

In the land of last hurrahs, the infamous 4/ 6-pack is high on the list of fitness must haves. The feeling out there is that if you've got a 4/ 6-pack, you've arrived. Unfortunately, “arriving” may take a bit longer than anticipated. See, to get to those bulging abdominal muscles, you must first uncover the stubborn and outright vicious layers of fat cells keeping them company.  This fat has generally accumulated from a life of poor diet and inactivity, and have declared your midsection their property! The “gut is know to be the first to arrive and the last to leave... I like to think of abdominal body fat as the unwanted house guest that without your knowledge decide to take permeant residence and has refused to depart. 
Good news is, you can achieve your dream belly, it just will take a little longer than you wished. Owning a 6-pack (or even an 8-pack) is a result of three key components: diet, cardiovascular exercise, and core/ab work. Sculpt three days a week. Eat the kind of food seven days a week that doesn't add to the unwanted fuel that keeps "The Pack" from rising to the surface.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Move at your own pace

In bootcamp, I am constantly reminding people to move at their own pace. You don't have to keep up with my pace or the person next to you unless you are at the same fitness level. If you need to slow it down a bit, or speed it up. 
The key is finding a level that is challenging for you. Remember that you should always be trying to work beyond your fatigue. 
Pay attention and listen to your body. If you have a heart rate monitor, where it during your workout to keep and eye on your intensity. 
Be patient with yourself, be consistent, and results will come.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Measuring your fitness level

What a quick gauged of your level of fitness? Try checking the time it takes your heart rate to return to its resting value after strenuous exercise. After your cool-down, check your heart rate, and again after one minute. Your heart rate should fall by about 12 beats per minute. It should usually reach your normal daily activity rate in one to three minutes, the quicker the better. If it takes longer, you have room to improve. As you continue to train, you will find you recover quicker!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The good ole family stroll

A walk is a great way to combine calorie burning with quality family time. To make the most of it, vary your course often. Add hills, including gentle grades, steep grades, and stairs. Switch between hard sidewalk, soft grass, dirt trails, or sand. For maximum calorie burning, get creative by incorporating speed drills. Things like skipping, chase, hide and seek, etc., turn those old- fashioned kids games into family fun.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


If you want something badly enough, there is nothing that you can't achieve. Once you ingrain this into your head, all other steps will become easier. Make up your mind that you are going to go ALL THE WAY! Let your body know that you plan to win regardless of what may get in your way! 
If you need some motivation, take a look at Lance Armstrong for inspiration and Live Strong. There are many people that have overcome obstacles to get to the place in which they greatly desired!