Monday, June 27, 2011

Who Are You When No One Is Looking?

Today, I challenge YOU to evaluate who you are when no one is looking. 
 Are you happy with that person? Reality is... most of us would never want people to see who we are when we believe no one is watching. But that person represents the characteristic we choose to harbor when we think no one is around to judge us.

What a great feeling it is to be free to be YOU whenever and where ever you are. To live a life  out in the open. If you find you act one way around one group, another way around a different group, and when you are in the comfort of your own home you become yet another person that can be quite the schizophrenic life to live. Maybe you are tried of being so many people... But who do you believe is the Real you? 

I started with this little exercise: 
-On a piece of paper, write down who you are when you are alone or in a "comfortable environment. Write is ALL down, the good and the bad. All of the attributes that you are proud of and those that you are not. 
-Next to each evaluate what makes them Good vs Bad
-Image you as your best person... what doe that look like?  Write down all of the characteristics and qualities associated with a person of that caliber that must maintained. How hard does that person work? What must they do to get where they are and to stay there? What do they look like when no one is looking? How do they react when adversity comes their way? When the plans go astray do they remain stable in their beliefs? How do they treat their body? What is their relationships life?

-From there it is your duty (if you truly desire to become the person you imagine yourself as) to develop those qualities and characteristic. 
-What steps will you have to take to slowly but surely become the person you desire to be? -Walk step by step to become “THAT” person that you desire to be. 
-This week, think about the person you imagine yourself to be... Ponder what your life would be like... do you believe that life is worth the work that will be required to attain such a reality?

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