Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dance the night away

Sometimes I just want to do something a little different. On such days I DANCE! I puts on some music or turn on the video channel and I go for it! In no time the sweat is pouring off my body and my heart is racing! 
If you find yourself bored, I suggest you throw some dancing in your workout routine. Turn on the radio, TV,or visit DC Fit Body Bootcamp for one of our ZUMBA , S.T.R.I.D.E. Or Vixen classes. Hey if you have the WII or Xbox connect, plug it up and get to moving! Dance that A$$ off!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Become a role model

As a Fitness Coach I have the added duty of being a role model and an example to follow by those attempting to achieve goals related to health and fitness. Everyone is always watching what I eat, what I do when I workout, and asking for my advice. Honestly, knowing that people are looking at me for motivation helps me to keep pushing even on a rough day.  This is my indirect accountability partner ;-)

Are you  stuck in a rut? Why not try being a role model for someone else? Sometimes putting yourself into this position is just what you need to kick-start your own motivation. It is amazing how much you affect everyone around you in such a positive way when you're making changes, especially to your health and the way you look. Taking the responsibility to help someone else, this will also inspire you to do your best. The realization that you can motivate and inspire others is powerful medicine. Use it! You'll make the world around you a better place. WORK IT!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are You Overtraining?

As a Fitness Coach I work with people everyday that are enthusiastic about reaching their goals. This is great and is very exciting, BUT sometimes people don’t follow the guidelines of WORK vs. REST. When you forego the REST and continue to train at near max levels too frequently what results is “Chronic Overtraining”.  Sorry to burst your bubble but Chronic Overtraining is just as bad as not training enough and can lead to injury and/or illness. If you suspect you are overdoing it, try this: Get in the habit of taking your morning resting heart rate before getting out of bed. If it goes up and stays up for two or three days, you are either starting to get sick or overtraining. In either case, it's time to back off until your heart rate drops back down.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Abs in No Time

I believe that anytime you're seated is an opportunity to strengthen your core. Instead of slouching and relaxing into a "C" shape, imagine there's a thin coat of paint covering the back of your chair. In order to keep your clothes “paint free”, think about positioning yourself on top of your sit bones—this is your foundation. From there, stack your vertebrae on top of your foundation, keeping the natural "S" curve of your spine as you pull your belly button in toward your spine. Try this: Inhale, then slowly exhale all the air out of your lungs. As you exhale, pull your abdominals back toward your spine. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

5 Ways To Be Your Best

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can have a great effect on your results. Here are five thoughts for a better you.
  1. Today, choose to be happy and to feel good about yourself and your life. Realize that everything is a matter of choice and is in your control.
  2. Don't be a victim; be a victor.  When you have a victim mentality you will find yourself in a mental paralysis and constantly reliving negative moments. Being at your best will require you to get back up after a fall... You must learn how to “fail forward”.
  3. Remember that in order to achieve your goals, you have to envision them really happening first. Whatever you constantly see for yourself will become a reality.Take one minute and really focus on what you would like to achieve and the accompanying feelings.  
  4. Get out of your comfort zone. Try new things and challenge yourself. Who knows what you might discover? 
  5. Dream big! Think success! Don’t allow anyone or anything to walk you away from thinking about doing BIG things...GO FOR IT!